Many a young person, as well as the slightly less young, was able to enjoy many artists at one of Belgium’s various festival sites last summer. Whether it’s an event with international appeal at a provincial estate in Boom or a small-scale event under the church tower somewhere in the country, a first aid kit is never far away.
Officially, a real first aid station is only mandatory from 10,000 visitors at an event.
(source ISB)
As a result, most school, village and association events are not covered by these regulations.
Usually the municipality, where the event takes place, still requires the presence of certified first aiders through the safety file.
If you, as an organizer, have a nurse or doctor on the team, who is moreover willing to bear this responsibility, you are of course well off.
A well-equipped first aid kit, a quiet place to administer initial care and the sock is off.
Of course, we all hope this is an unnecessary measure.
As an organizer, big or small, it really makes you feel good to have help nearby in case of an emergency.
But what if you don’t have that nurse or doctor readily at hand?
Another solution also exists.
If a few people within the organizing team are trained as first aiders and thus there is permanent first aid knowledge in their own ranks, basic first aid training offers the solution.
Not only at the time of the event, but equally in everyday life, the knowledge gained represents added value.
Make sure that there is always someone around with knowledge in case the unexpected does happen.
Safety Expertise offers several training courses that will get you started on the right actions at the right time. We are happy to schedule that for your school, association or company, but also offer these trainings in our open offerings (trainings on fixed dates that are open to everyone).
Check out our training calendar.
Late September and early October trainings are open to anyone interested.
Prior knowledge is not required.