While performing high-risk work, more and more companies are requiring contractors working for them to be able to present a certificate.
Obtaining a certificate requires specific safety training for operational employees.
Our training is a good preparation for the B-VCA exam.
This training is particularly suitable for employees of construction and building companies, electrical, plumbing, refrigeration, painting companies, installers, industrial cleaning, etc.
No prior knowledge is required and this course is also interesting for people who wish to acquire a good basic knowledge of safety.
The topics covered are: Legislative Framework, hazards, risks and prevention , cause and prevention of accidents, safety behavior, tasks, rights, duties and consultation, procedures, instructions and signaling, emergencies, hazardous materials, fire and explosion, work equipment (including fixed machinery, hand tools, lifting equipment, forklift truck), specific work and conditions (including welding, demolition, digging, working at height, working in confined spaces), electricity and radiation, ergonomic workplace (including noise, lifting and hoisting) and PPE.

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