
As a business leader, you want to be prepared for anything. Even when things go wrong. You draw up evacuation plans, you work with a prevention agency, you provide first aid training, and you know your lawyer’s speed dial number by heart. But is crisis communications management on your radar? Managing your reputation in times of crisis is unfortunately all too often overlooked. And that’s a shame. A smart crisis communication strategy ensures that the wider outside world does not turn against your company when things get a little tougher. How do you deal with tough questions from the press? What concrete tools can you develop to handle a crisis communication-wise? How does a journalist think? How does a local resident think? And is Twitter really necessary? During a 4-hour training session, we explain the basics of communicating in times of crisis. This training will allow you, as a business leader, to better assess your concrete crisis communication needs. During a short simulation, you will experience firsthand what it is like to have a camera in front of you and what the impact of proper preparation can be.


– Introduction to the basics of crisis communication – Crisis communication tools: what does every company need? – High-level discussion of participants’ existing crisis communication planning – Crisis communication simulation with participants (depending on number of participants)

Onze Partners